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Convert HEX private keys to WIF importable keys.

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Address (Compressed)
Address (Uncompressed)
WIF (Compressed)
WIF (Uncompressed)

How to convert HEX to WIF?

It is a tool that allows you to convert a private key in HEX format to WIF (Wallet Import Format) format. Unfortunately, most wallets do not allow you to add a private key in HEX format. That's why WIF format is used. You can easily convert any HEX format private bitcoin key to WIF format. Remember, everything happens and ends in your browser.

When you convert a private key in HEX format to WIF format, you get both "compressed" and "uncompressed" address and key. You can import it to any wallet you want by scanning the QR code. You can use this page "offline". You can also use the WIF to HEX tool.